Friday, October 16, 2009

Ahh, the day has slipped by!

Day 2.
So I wake up at about 8 am today and I feel nothing for about 10 hours since I had to run errands all day. But then, at like 6:30, a crushing realization settles over my bones. I am not allowed to play video games when I finally do get home. So I try to put it out of my mind - it's nothing, I'll be fine, etc. - but the weight of my decision is like a monkey frantically clawing at my back. I get home at about 9 o'clock shivering from the cold one would presume, but nay. It is from the exertion of avoiding the steely gaze of my various game systems. My dad looks at me and his customary, "You wanna play some Left 4 Dead, Tray?" upon my arrival is cut short by my low whimper of, "I'm going to go clean my room." A stunned silence falls over my bag-encumbered mother and my John Grisham novel-reading father as I turn to go and distract myself from the pain of withdrawal. Once inside my room I realize that to be completely fair I must forgo my PC games as well. The Sims on the desk urges me to forget my pact. "I'm JUST a PC game. You said no VIDEO games. Come on..." I throw it in my closet. Pacing back and forth, I begin to wonder what I can do to avoid a slip-up. Television will be too tempting, as the console is attached, my computer has games that it wants to throw in my face and the people in my family must always play with me. Books! That will distract me. Unfortunately, my eyes glaze and I find myself wanting the forbidden fruit. The thing I cannot have is the thing I desire. Oh, irony prevails. I check facebook listlessly, reflecting briefly on the fact that I am so cavalier about accessing what some people are struggling to give up. Eventually, I remember that the assignment needs to be documented on the internet. Sooo...hi.

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